My week sucked. But then I discovered Marcel The Shell (with shoes on).

Marcel the Shell (with shoes on)

Sometimes, we all need a little one-eyed shell (with shoes on) to brighten our day!

You guys, I apologise.

This week has been ridiculous and I’ve not had the time or inclination to write a witty, interesting or even coherent post.

I did try! I really did. I have a couple of posts drafted, but unfortunately they won’t see the light of dayas it’s been a whole lotta sick/crazy/tired/indifference around here this past week.

So as not to disappoint my huge throng of fans (read: 6) I thought I’d share with you all one of the highlights of my week.  I saw this little guy on Ellen and I just can’t stop watching him! He’s a teeny tiny breath of fresh air.  I think I love him and might ask him to move in (and his dog Allan too).

Introducing: Marcel the Shell (with shoes on)

So on that adorable note, have a fabulous weekend and I promise next week will be filled with all kinds of wit and hilarity around these parts!

xo Marns